GALARDONADA en los premios TOP 20 de IQVIA

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Dr. Rafael Alcalá-Santaella, a specialist in MUSCULOSKELETAL ONCOLOGICAL SURGERY has created and developed, at Clínica Vistahermosa, a highly complex surgical technique to operate MALIGNANT TUMORS AFFECTING THE BONES. It involves removing the tumor and replacing it by a GRAFT FROM THE BONE BANK. In a first case, 17 centimeters of the femur bone have been replaced, in a patient with an osteosarcoma, affixing them with a special plaque. This technique, along with its supplementary chemotherapy, allowed us to obtain positive results, with a very acceptable quality of life in patients whose life expectancy had been very limited before.

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Certificaciones y Premios

Traumatología Vistahermosa participa y es acreditada como Unidad referente a través de su presencia en cursos, congresos, asociaciones y reuniones nacionales e internacionales.

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