The foot is one of the most complex parts of the skeleton, consisting of 26 bones connected by numerous joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments. Its function is to support, cushion and propel. They suffer a lot of overhead when supporting the whole weight of the body; fact that often determines their pathology.
Foot problems can manifest as pain, inflammation or deformity which, in turn, limit the movement and the walking ability of the human being. The Spanish Society of Medicine and Surgery of the Foot assures that such problems affect 70% of the Spanish population and many of them are preventable.
Our Unity, made up of a multidisciplinary team of orthopedic surgeons and podiatrists, is devoted to the comprehensive treatment of diseases and deformities of the foot and ankle, either of traumatic, sports, rheumatic, congenital or developmental origin, as well as its sequels. This is done with the latest technology: conservative and reconstructive surgery with minimal incision (MIS), arthroscopic surgery especially at the ankle and subtalar joint and application of "autologous growth factors" to promote the regeneration of damaged tissues.
More information at our Podiatry section