Trauma Service Vistahermosa Clinic provides, within the Foot and Ankle Unit, the most advanced and comprehensive Podiatry service available today, with the aim of assessing and treating different foot problems.
The team of podiatrists of this unit has extensive exploration experience in training and clinical biomechanics, personalized child podiatry and podiatric sports, working at all times within a multidisciplinary team of orthopaedic surgeons, physicians, rehabilitation and physical therapists, etc…
Podiatrists in this Unit perform the most comprehensive Biomechanical examinations, applying the most recent and novel screening protocols and patient assessment (Tissue Stress Model), from the United States, in order to diagnose, recommend and treat different podiatric disorders for patients who come to our Unit.
Within the podiatric exploration clinical protocols, we differentiate the various procedures such as joint mobility assessment of ankle and foot, muscle assessment, study of the foot in static and dynamic states, analysis of the tread through electronic tapes, etc.
The podiatrist scanner scans with three-dimensional (3D Scan Technoinsole®) data obtained after taking the custom mold of the foot. This mold is used for the subsequent design and implementation of orthotics, using the most advanced computer software system available in the market for foot orthotics (CAD-CAM® Technoinsole). This approach seeks to generate an orthopedic treatment with the most accurate and precise methodology.
This achieves a solution to the most common foot diseases such as flat feet, foot arches, insufficient posterior tibial (posterior tibial tendonitis), metatarsalgia, heel talalgia (heel pain), Achilles tendinitis and all kinds of ailments of the feet.
What is and does an exploration of foot and ankle biomechanics?
Exploration of ankle and foot biomechanics is included within the fields of work of our team of podiatrists. It is a clinical tool composed of different scanning techniques and maneuvers, the application aims to equip ourselves with the greatest amount of morphological and functional data of your foot, to understand and know, in the most accurate way, how the foot works or how it behaves during daily activity, social, sports, etc. so as to solve any podiatric ailments.
Our team of podiatrists apply the latest clinical methodology in the field of advanced research into the biomechanics of the ankle and foot.
During loading activities such as walking, running or jumping, our feet carry large amounts of body weight, different tissues such as muscles, tendons, ligaments or bones must adapt to such situations to our feet, behave as functional units capable of performing any activity without damage.
Our biomechanical exploration model "Tissue Stress Model" based on scientific studies by Dr. Kirby and Dr. Fuller and colleagues, provide adequate information to detect the muscular structure, tendon, etc., which is under too much stress related to deforming foot type and type of support.
Knowledge of the foot function that gives us our exploration biomechanical model not only allows us to diagnose the patient's podiatric disorder but allows us to apply both orthopedic and surgical rehabilitative predictive preventive procedures on the patient's foot.
What is customized Orthopodology?
Just as a clinician performs a detailed biomechanical examination in order to know how the foot of the patient works and thus establish a treatment to improve the quality of life of the project, when we prescribe orthopedic treatment by our orthopedic staff, this should be fully customized and always make a mold faithfully reproducing the patient's foot.
In order to offer our patients the best quality of orthopedic treatment, our podiatrists at the Foot and Ankle Unit, are equipped with the latest computer technology for the manufacture of orthotic soles.
Through our scanner "Scan Tecnoinsole 3D ®", we get the patient's foot mold in 3D, later to design and manufacture the orthotic accurately and precisely using our computer system manufacturing templates with "CAD-CAM ® Tecnoinsole".
Among the various treatment alternatives available to us, several scientific studies support the use of orthotics for the treatment of a variety of podiatric disorders.
The pain in a patient from the presence of abnormalities such as foot arches, flat feet, metatarsalgia, plantar heel pain as plantar fasciitis, etc…, Can evolve successfully with the use of orthotics as part of a more conservative treatment. Burn et al 2006, found a relationship between improvement in foot function and decreased pain in patients with pes cavus wearing orthotics, on the other hand, Hsi WL et al 2005, Kang JH et al 2006, Landsman et al 2009, concluded in their studies that the use of orthotics improved pain in processes of metatarsalgia, HAV (bunion) and arch area.
The use of these braces can improve the quality of life of patients with pain in the inside of the knee associated with osteoarthritis of the knee medial, reducing pain intensity as the authors conclude Keating EM et al 1993 and Kakihana W et to 2004 in their scientific studies.
What is child podiatry?
The field of podiatric disorders or deformities in children, ie child podiatry care is part of another line of work of our team of podiatrists in partnership with various experts in the field of child development.
There are many questions that parents ask, such as: Is it normal for my child to walk on his toes or the toes inward?, Why does my child trip over when running? Should I worry if my child complains after doing sport? My son / daughter has flat feet, what do I have to do?…
Many of the changes mentioned above may be part of the normal development of the lower extremity of the child so it simply must be assessed and reviewed periodically. In other cases, the presence of a flat foot, a walk with the toes inward or pain in the heel of a child may be the indication that there is an internal and / or external risk factor (overweight, tendon shortening, ligamentous laxity, torsional abnormalities of the femur and tibia, improper footwear, improper position while sleeping or sitting, etc.) that limits or disrupts the physiological development of the foot. In this case a clinical assessment with or without, a multidisciplinary treatment by our team of Foot and Ankle Unit, can generate a preventative medicine to improve foot function and quality of life of patients.
What is sports podiatry?
Podiatric care and assessment in the world of sports is sharply increasing every day, both within professional sports organizations and the world of amateur sport.
In sports, preventive foot care and / or therapeutic developed by our team of podiatrists, based on a correct analysis of the footprint of the athlete, study and analysis of sports movements, advice on running shoes, etc.., Aims to decrease incidence of sporting injuries and improve athletic performance.
From the epidemiological standpoint, plantar fasciitis, patellofemoral syndrome and patellar syndrome ileotibial streak, are part of sports injuries with greater incidence and prevalence in the field of sports medicine. (Clement et al 1981 DB, Taunton JE et al 2002, Irving et al 2006 DB, etc).
There are other minor impact injuries but no less important for a proper and healthy practice of sports as shin splints, tendinitis Columbine, lateral ankle instability, which are closely related not only to the planning of training, training surface, etc., also with proper foot function during sports activities. (Yates et al 2004, 2001 Epperly, Sommer HM 1995, Werd MB et al 2007, Holmes et al 2006 GB 2, Morrison et al 2007, etc).
Podiatric alterations such as flat feet or pronated feet (broker pronator) are more related to processes of heel pain as plantar fasciitis, shin splints, stress fractures of metatarsals, etc. Columbine processes such as tendinitis, back pain, pain in the outside of the knee, and many others are more frequently observed in athletes with pes cavus or supinated (broker supinator). The creation of custom orthopedic treatment adapted to the type of sport can be an effective therapeutic alternative for athletes who suffer these injuries.
Our team of podiatrists has extensive experience in the clinical management of sports pathology and orthopedic treatment of the disturbances mentioned above, in the world of amateur and professional sport.