GALARDONADA en los premios TOP 20 de IQVIA

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Wrist Ganglion Cysts

They are very common lumps that grow on top of the wrist on the palm side of the same or a finger. They come from joints or tendon sheaths nearby. They can be painful and resized, but not malignant. Treatment can be:

  • Conservative: inmobilisation and even the aspiration of the fluid from the cyst with a needle.
  • Surgical: removal of the cyst, but it also means that it may be necessary to extract the portion of the joint capsule or pod that caused it.

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Certificaciones y Premios

Traumatología Vistahermosa participa y es acreditada como Unidad referente a través de su presencia en cursos, congresos, asociaciones y reuniones nacionales e internacionales.

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