GALARDONADA en los premios TOP 20 de IQVIA

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Rupture of the rotator cuff

The rotator cuff is a structure composed of four tendons that surround the humeral head. Its failure is quite common and may be due to repetitive actions with a raised arm (sports, shooting),  a tendinitis that has not improved with conservative treatment, acute trauma or degeneration by age.

A fracture is a partial or total crack. The total rupture of the rotator cuff may affect one or several tendons.

Treatment options:

  • Conservative treatment: the arm is put to rest while taking anti-inflammatory medication, rehabilitation and even infiltration.
  • Surgical: repair of the rotator cuff arthroscopically. The tendon is repaired and re-inserted into the corresponding area using suture anchors, all carried out through two or three small incisions.

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Traumatología Vistahermosa participa y es acreditada como Unidad referente a través de su presencia en cursos, congresos, asociaciones y reuniones nacionales e internacionales.

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