GALARDONADA en los premios TOP 20 de IQVIA

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Tennis Elbow or Lateral Epicondylitis

Tennis elbow is an inflammation of the tendons that join the forearm muscles on the outside of the elbow, causing pain radiating to the wrist . Tennis elbow is caused by a direct trauma or overuse of the limb, caused by repeated rapid movements in tennis. Treatment can be :/p>

  • Conservative : decreased mobility, reduces inflammatory signs with anti-inflammatory and analgesic therapy rehabilitation exercises and even infiltration.
  • Surgical: by surgery, proceeding to the release of part of the tendon attachment to bone, thereby enhancing the tension and vascularity of the area.

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Certificaciones y Premios

Traumatología Vistahermosa participa y es acreditada como Unidad referente a través de su presencia en cursos, congresos, asociaciones y reuniones nacionales e internacionales.

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