GALARDONADA en los premios TOP 20 de IQVIA

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Open repair

The treatment of almost all of these injuries is conservatively, initially, consisting on taking a medication and implementation of rehabilitation therapy and physiotherapy. It is sometimes necessary to use local infiltration in the shoulder with steroids and local anesthetics.

When all these measures fail, the use of surgery for the treatment of these lesions is required. In recent years, there has been tremendous progress in the development and application of multiple arthroscopic techniques to treat all these problems, to the point of almost having replaced traditional open surgery, especially if the patients are athletes.

It is a technique of limited incision or "miniopen" which with the help of arthroscopic material provides an open repair with minimal damage.

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Certificaciones y Premios

Traumatología Vistahermosa participa y es acreditada como Unidad referente a través de su presencia en cursos, congresos, asociaciones y reuniones nacionales e internacionales.

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