GALARDONADA en los premios TOP 20 de IQVIA

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It is a curvature of the spine that causes a bowing of the back, which is known as a hump or bump.

  • In adolescents, kyphosis is known as Scheuermann's disease: thoracic kyphosis increases for unknown reasons and even causes structural changes in the vertebrae.
  • In adults, kyphosis can be caused by multiple fractures resulting from osteoporosis or arthritis.

Depending on the cause, the treatment differs:

  • If congenital, corrective surgery is needed.
  • If adolescent, it is usually treated with a brace and physiotherapy. Surgery is only indicated in very painful and large curvatures.
  • Osteoporotic fractures may not require surgery, but the patient would have to be treated for the osteoarthritis or osteoporosis which originated the curvature.

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